Mike was born in Columbus, Ohio and was exposed to the music industry as a youngster. His father, Dean Lewis who was on the air at WBNS, managed a group called the "Cannon Brothers". One member of that group, Gene Cotton, went on to a successful writing and recording career. In recent years, Mike has co-written with Gene on several songs.
Mike is no stranger to the spotlight. For years, his day gig, was as a T-V news reporter and anchor in Virginia and Pennsylvania. His reporting on gangs and drugs, was recognized by Associated Press as among the best.
The newscast he co-anchor also garnered an Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Newscast. During that time, Mike was always writing. In 2003, his first 6-song c-d of original material was used by the New York TImes station he worked for in Scranton, Pa., to raise funds for the Northeast Pennsylvania Boys and Girls Clubs. Mike signed, and the t-v station sold, 10-thousand c-d's and gave the Boys and Girls Clubs a check, for 80-thousand dollars.
Mike then went on to record two more c-d's on his own.. produced by Steve Gibson in Nashville. One Teardrop Falls, and Save the Day.. both got regional airplay.. and were well received.
His latest effort, "Do Whatcha Gotta Do"... is and upbeat collection of orginal songs..co-produced by Mike, and Kerry Marx and Martin Young in Nashville. One song on the new c-d "Shine", was co-written with Tom Manning.
His music has been used by a weekly t-v and on-line series in Northeast Pa.. called Windsor Park Stories. Also, a documentary, Luke, Nick and Laura... used his music in the soundtrack. It won best documentary at the Sol Film Festival.
Mike continues to write and record in Nashville and perform live. He's opened for various artists, including the Oak Ridge Boys. He also does solo acoustic shows.